S.P.E.A.K. Debate Flashcards & Activities

S.P.E.A.K. Debate Flashcards & Activities

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Make debating easy, fun, and engaging for kids with this S.P.E.A.K. Debate Toolkit! Perfect for homeschoolers, classrooms, or family game nights, this resource introduces children ages 6-10 to the art of debating using the simple, memorable "S.P.E.A.K." method:

State your point, Provide reasons, Explain with details, Acknowledge others, and Keep it tidy.

This set includes:

  • Printable Debate Flashcards with kid-friendly topics (e.g., "Pizza vs. Burgers," "Cats vs. Dogs").
  • Position Prompts on cards to help students argue for either side with creative hints.
  • Step-by-Step S.P.E.A.K. Guide to introduce the debate method.
  • Fun Activity Ideas: Role-playing games, debate challenges, and time-limited argument practice.
  • Bonus Song & Visual Aids: A debate-themed jingle and colorful pages to reinforce skills.